Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
ProfAhmed Nabih ZakiRashedMenoufia universityEgyptOthersOptical CommunicationsBest Researcher Award
DrRajivKaushalTata memorial hospitalIndiaQuality control: acceptance sampling, attribute control charts, and continuous improvementDigital PathologyBest Researcher Award
DrMostafaAfifyAlexandria University, Faculty of PharmacyEgyptDesign of experiments (DOE)Supersaturated screening designBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrJorgeFigueroaUniversidad de ConcepciĆ³nChileIntroduction to statistical methods and data analysisStatistical Methods for Analyzing Engineering DataBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrShahedHassanpoorFaculty of Engineering, University of Guilan, 4199613776 Rasht, IranIranOthersStatistical Methods for Analyzing Engineering Data ,Kinetics and thermodynamics models of adsorption of thiophene on the on the nanosorbentBest Researcher Award
DrSeyed MehdiMohtavipourIran University of Science and TechnologyIranOthersVisual Analytics and Computer ArchitectureBest Researcher Award
MsparastooafrasyabiK. N. Toosi university of technologyIranTime series analysis: autocorrelation, trend analysis, and forecastingdataBest Researcher Award
DrAbdelAouacheriaCNRS ISEMFranceDescriptive statisticsPCA/LDABest Researcher Award
MrAgni AlamAwiryaBank IndonesiaIndonesiaDescriptive statisticsDescriptive statictics for qualitative analysisExcellence in Innovation
MrKhalilUllahAbdul Wali Khan University Mardan KpK PakistanPakistanOthersGeometric Function TheoryBest Researcher Award
DrAmirrezaKhalili GolmankhanehUrmia University of Medical SciencesIranOthersModeling tumor growth using fractal calculusBest Researcher Award
Prof DrDachelMartĆ­nez AsanzaNational School of Public HealthCubaDescriptive statisticsMedical educationWomen Researcher Award
DrSeyed RezaMortezaeiDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad UniversityIranIntroduction to statistical methods and data analysisIndustrial Applications of Robotics/ RoboticsBest Researcher Award
MrKhalilUllahAbdul Wali Khan University Mardan KPK, PakistanPakistanOthersGeometric Function TheoryBest Researcher Award
MrimadechoulliLaboratory of Materials, Signals, Systems and Physical Modeling.MoroccoIntroduction to statistical methods and data analysisphotovoltaic systems/modeling/optimizationBest Researcher Award
DrSuvarnaYenduriSri Adichunchanagiri college of PharmacyIndiaOthersSustainable analytical methodsBest Researcher Award
Prof DrOualidHamdaouiKing Saud UniversitySaudi ArabiaRegression analysis: simple and multiple regression, model building, and diagnosticsNon-linear regression analysisBest Researcher Award
DrBahramJaliliIslamic Azad universityIranOthersSemi Analytical MethodBest Researcher Award
ProfLumengoBonga-BongaUniversity of Johannesburg College of Business and EconomicsSouth AfricaTime series analysiswavelet analysisBest Innovation Award
MrsIka AtmaKurniawantiAirlangga UniversityIndonesiaOthersAccounting, Management, Finance, BusinessBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for


This Speech delivered by Dr. FEIYUN WU | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | Best researcher Award
Compressed Sensing of Delay and Doppler Spreading in Underwater Acoustic Channels.
International Research Awards ...
on Statistical Methods for Analyzing Engineering Data
International Research Awards on Statistical Methods for Analyzing Engineering Data is an annual award that recognizes exceptional research contributions in the field of statistical methods for engineering data analysis. The award aims to promote innovative research in statistical modeling, simulation, and analysis techniques to enable better decision-making in engineering applications.The award is open to researchers from all over the world who have made significant contributions to the development and application of statistical methods for engineering data analysis. Eligible research topics may include, but are not limited to, statistical inference, regression analysis, time series analysis, design of experiments, Bayesian methods, machine learning, and data visualization.
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