Ms Xueting Xu | localization and tracking

Ms. Xueting Xu | Leading Researcher in localization and tracking

Congratulations,Ms Xueting Xu  on winning the esteemed Women Researcher Award  from ResearchW! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!

Ms Xueting Xu Sebastin is a distinguished academic and researcher in the field of renewable energy, holds a PhD in Biosystems Engineering from Kangwon National University, South Korea. His academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to advancing solar energy technologies, specifically in solar thermal harvesting and its integration into agricultural and architectural applications.

Professional Profiles:

PhD Candidate, Communication and Information System
Xiamen University, China (2020 – Present)

Professional Experience

Visiting Researcher, Communication Systems Group
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (2022 – 2023)

Conducting research on 6D tracking, Lie algebra, and signal processing under the guidance of Professor Henk Wymeersch.

Accomplishments & Contributions

Contributed significantly to diverse research areas such as 5G positioning, object tracking, and sensing using advanced techniques like Kalman filtering and Lie algebra.

Spearheaded multiple projects resulting in publications in reputable journals and conferences.

Strong expertise in MATLAB, Kalman filters, Lie algebra, and optimization theory.

Awards & Recognitions

Secured a First-Class Academic Scholarship (2019-2020) and earned the title of Excellent Merit Student (2019-2020) for outstanding academic performance.

Acknowledged for top-tier rankings in academic pursuits and specialized coursework.

Publications Top Note :

A 3D indoor positioning system based on low-cost MEMS sensors  paper published in 2015 cite by 75

An INS/WiFi indoor localization system based on the Weighted Least Squares   paper published in 2018 cite by 48

Off-line evaluation of indoor positioning systems in different scenarios: The experiences from IPIN 2020 competition

paper published in 2021 cite by 41

A novel energy-efficient approach for human activity recognition    paper published in 2017 cite by 41

The IPIN 2019 indoor localisation competition—Description and results   paper published in 2020 cite by 39

Fast satellite selection method for multi‐constellation Global Navigation Satellite System under obstacle environments  paper published in 2014 cite by 31

Cost optimization for on-demand content streaming in IoV networks with two service tiers    

paper published in 2018 cite by 16

Assessing impacts of data volume and data set balance in using deep learning approach to human activity recognition

paper published in 2017 cite by 16

Building information aided Wi-Fi fingerprinting positioning system    paper published in 2018 cite by 15

A hybrid dead reckon system based on 3-dimensional dynamic time warping

 paper published in 2019 cite by 12


📊 Citation Metrics (Google Scholar):

  • Citations by: All – 439, Since 2018 – 410
  • h-index: All – 11, Since 2018 – 11
  • i10 index: All – 11, Since 2018 – 11