rank tests and correlation

 Rank tests and correlation

The International Conference on Statistical Methods for Analyzing Engineering Data is a distinguished forum that brings together experts, researchers, and professionals at the intersection of statistics and engineering. This conference serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and innovative approaches in the analysis of engineering data, fostering advancements in the field and enhancing the reliability and performance of complex engineering systems.

Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test for Quality Control

Investigate the application of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test to assess differences in product quality and process performance, ensuring robust quality control measures in manufacturing and production systems.

Spearman’s Rank Correlation in Reliability Analysis

Explore the utility of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient in assessing the relationship between component attributes and reliability metrics, aiding in the identification of critical factors impacting system durability.

Kendall’s Tau for Time Series Analysis

Examine the use of Kendall’s Tau rank correlation coefficient in time series data to uncover temporal dependencies and trends in engineering systems, facilitating predictive maintenance strategies.

Mann-Kendall Trend Test for Environmental Monitoring

Delve into the application of the Mann-Kendall trend test to detect significant trends in environmental data related to engineering projects, such as groundwater levels, temperature variations, and pollution levels.

Rank-Based Correlation for Multivariate Data Analysis

Investigate rank-based correlation techniques like the Kendall’s Tau-b and Somers’ D to analyze relationships between multiple variables in engineering datasets, enabling comprehensive insights into system behavior and performance.